Seven enlightenment factors...
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa !
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Supremely Enlightened One !
Satipatthāna Sutta: The Foundations of Mindfulness
The Observation of Mind – Objects. The Seven Enlightenment Factors
Again, monks, a monk abides contemplating mind-objects as mind-objects in terms of the seven enlightenment factors.
And how does a monk abide contemplating mind-objects as mind-objects in terms of the seven enlightenment factors ?
( 1 ) Here, there being the mindfulness enlightenment factor in him, a monk understands properly: ‘There is the mindfulness enlightenment factor in me’;
or there being no mindfulness enlightenment factor in him, he understands properly: ‘There is no mindfulness enlightenment factor in me’;
and he also understands how there comes to be the arising of the unarisen mindfulness enlightenment factor,
and how the arisen mindfulness enlightenment factor comes to fulfillment by development.
( 2 ) There being the investigation-of-states enlightenment factor in him …
( 3 ) There being the energy enlightenment factor in him …
( 4 ) There being the rapture enlightenment factor in him …
( 5 ) There being the tranquility enlightenment factor in him …
( 6 ) There being the concentration enlightenment factor in him …
( 7 ) There being the equanimity enlightenment factor in him,
In this way he dwells observing mind - objects in mind- objects internally, Or he dwells contemplating mind - objects in mind - objects externally,
Or he dwells contemplating mind - objects in mind - objects both internally and externally.
Or else he dwells contemplating in mind - objects its nature of arising,
Or he dwells contemplating in mind - objects its nature of vanishing,
Or he dwells contemplating in mind - objects its nature of both arising and vanishing.
His awareness is established - “ These are mind – objects. ”
Thus he develops his awareness to such an extent that there is mere understanding, along with mereawareness.
In this way he dwells detached, thus “ This is not mine; This am not I; This is not my self ” ,
without clinging towards anything in the world.
This ishow monks, a monk dwells observing mind - objects in mind – objects in terms of
the seven enlightenment factors.
Saadu ! Saadu !! Saadu !!!
( Excellent !!! )
( The Supreme Bliss of Nibbhana, 4th print 2011– Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero, Dayawansa Jayakody and Company, Sri Lanka )
For reading : Wisdom publications.
1 In the Buddha's Words - Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, ( available from in digital version, at the
Saskatoon Public Library, at McNally Robinson and Turning the Tide, print version on line at,
2 The Connected Discourses of the Buddha – Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
3 The middle Length Discourses of the Buddha – Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
4 The Numarical Discourses of the Buddha – Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
5 The Long Discourses of the Buddha – Maurice Walshe
Namo Buddhaya!
Homage to the Supreme Buddha !
May The Noble Triple Gem Bless You !
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Supremely Enlightened One !
Satipatthāna Sutta: The Foundations of Mindfulness
The Observation of Mind – Objects. The Seven Enlightenment Factors
Again, monks, a monk abides contemplating mind-objects as mind-objects in terms of the seven enlightenment factors.
And how does a monk abide contemplating mind-objects as mind-objects in terms of the seven enlightenment factors ?
( 1 ) Here, there being the mindfulness enlightenment factor in him, a monk understands properly: ‘There is the mindfulness enlightenment factor in me’;
or there being no mindfulness enlightenment factor in him, he understands properly: ‘There is no mindfulness enlightenment factor in me’;
and he also understands how there comes to be the arising of the unarisen mindfulness enlightenment factor,
and how the arisen mindfulness enlightenment factor comes to fulfillment by development.
( 2 ) There being the investigation-of-states enlightenment factor in him …
( 3 ) There being the energy enlightenment factor in him …
( 4 ) There being the rapture enlightenment factor in him …
( 5 ) There being the tranquility enlightenment factor in him …
( 6 ) There being the concentration enlightenment factor in him …
( 7 ) There being the equanimity enlightenment factor in him,
In this way he dwells observing mind - objects in mind- objects internally, Or he dwells contemplating mind - objects in mind - objects externally,
Or he dwells contemplating mind - objects in mind - objects both internally and externally.
Or else he dwells contemplating in mind - objects its nature of arising,
Or he dwells contemplating in mind - objects its nature of vanishing,
Or he dwells contemplating in mind - objects its nature of both arising and vanishing.
His awareness is established - “ These are mind – objects. ”
Thus he develops his awareness to such an extent that there is mere understanding, along with mereawareness.
In this way he dwells detached, thus “ This is not mine; This am not I; This is not my self ” ,
without clinging towards anything in the world.
This ishow monks, a monk dwells observing mind - objects in mind – objects in terms of
the seven enlightenment factors.
Saadu ! Saadu !! Saadu !!!
( Excellent !!! )
( The Supreme Bliss of Nibbhana, 4th print 2011– Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero, Dayawansa Jayakody and Company, Sri Lanka )
For reading : Wisdom publications.
1 In the Buddha's Words - Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, ( available from in digital version, at the
Saskatoon Public Library, at McNally Robinson and Turning the Tide, print version on line at,
2 The Connected Discourses of the Buddha – Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
3 The middle Length Discourses of the Buddha – Ven. Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
4 The Numarical Discourses of the Buddha – Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi,
5 The Long Discourses of the Buddha – Maurice Walshe
Namo Buddhaya!
Homage to the Supreme Buddha !
May The Noble Triple Gem Bless You !